Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hari nie nak bangun sahur punye lah berat mata nak buka. Mungkin kerana semalam banyak running up and down the stairs, plus aiesyah bangun kul 1 dan 3 tadi….kekeke….cerita nye begini…RTM1 ada program Selera Ramadan…pada hari selasa hingga jumaat pukul 10.30 pagi..jadi semalam tengok recipe pie ayam bloomsz macam sedap lak…ingat nak buat gak tapi mungkin bukan hari semalam…tapi mengenangkan ibu dah 3 kali telepon asking macamana nak buat pie tu…saya pun buatkan khas untuk ibu….kira-kira semlam saya turun 4 kali.....ambil anak, pi kedai,pi pasar,pi kedai lagi….alhamdullilah, ALLAH swt kurniakan tenaga, mungkin semangat nak buat pie untuk ibu, mungkin gak pasal spirullina.…antara tips ustazah sharifah beri dalam rancangan memasak tu ialah membaca bismillahi-ashafique (pardon the spelling)semoga makanan menjadi penawar…..dan juga untuk masakan rasa enak, lakukan dengan iklas…then the taster can feel or taste the love…

So semalam, saya masakan daging kicap berempah untuk suami dan pie ayam untuk keluarga….

Kepada kak rin, kalau nak rasa pie nye…insyaallah saya buat kan , inti dan pastry nye ada dalam fridge…harap-harap bley last till sat….

Kepada cik rah, baby dah engaged ,mesti berdebar menanti masa nye…I love watching house of babies…at this centre they do water birth….so natural, no “cutting”, they guide the mums to birth naturally, there’s no tear..wat I love is that they guide all the way, how to push without tearing, breathing and pushing…one advise to cik rah…nanti jangan pakai teran je, listen to the midwives…they’ll teach u how to push… Semoga selamat semua nye…if possible don’t use the oxgen mask, it’ll make u drowsy sampai kadang-kadang tak sadar buat apa.. I hope I’m not scaring you….

Wati , do u watch this program? Discovery home and health…

Sunday, September 24, 2006

First day of Ramadan, I had to sahur by myself….bukan nye my hubby tak nak sahur, dia tak de…kerje malam….first time sahur seorang-seorang…malam sebelum nye rasa macam sedih gitu sebab kena sahur seorang-seorang…siapa lah nak bagun pagi2 makan seorang-seorang…ingat tak de seleranye confirm tapi bila tengok cik rah nye Mexican food…..naik selera kekeke….buat drama je… semalam malam, cakap dengan hubby nak 3G lah, tak selera lah…….hehehe….thank you cik rah for making my sahur a delicious one ….and thank you to Warna for the company….hehehe..macam menang award…..

Kepada Jun, semoga selamat sampai ke destinasi..sms saya akan kurang sepanjang ketidakadaan anda…enjoy urself…beli baklava lebih-lebih!

Selamat beribadah semua…

Friday, September 22, 2006

Today only the gerls went shopping while the boys went for prayers.Yipeee!So peaceful….just me and aiesyah…Managed to tour seiyu bugis 2 times! With the boys that wldn't have been possible..Make-up,shoes and of course baby section. As I make my rounds,I asked myself do I really need these(make up , clothes), would not having them makes me even uglier,unhappy? would aiesyah acknowledge those pretty clothes? ..Answer was NO.Its so tempting but I left with only 1 shopping bag (a birthday present and bright tots training pants)…..I DID IT, Semangat sey!!!GO Naj,Go!!kekeke…

Last nite on Oprah winfrey show, a shrink said shopacholic shop to fill a void in their life….Agree? hmmmm….stilll thinking of those cute baby pants…

We love pretty things. Sometimes look, see and admire only ...sometimes look,see,admire and buy lor…..kekeke….

Selamat berpuasa semua,semoga ibadah kita dia terima Allah swt.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

There are 2 pregos in my family right is about to boom anytime soon and another due in feb next year…(fighting wif aiesyah now,she’s pressing the keyboard)..back to my preggies sisters…preggie sounds like Maggie kata kak rin…hehehe..betul gak…but to me it sounds quite cute…remember this time last year…2 of my friends and me were pregnant at the same time…pretty fun, had each other’s tummy to cry on..kekeke….now that we’ve delivered, we asked about our babies’s progress…best gak bley share baby recipes,etc. Yang tak best, when there’s comparison as to whose development is faster or slower. I believe all babies grow at their own pace…hope when they start schooling there won’t be comparison of grades lak…hehehe…pressure saya….
Tengok kakak-kakak saya mengandung rasa macam nak join in the league …..hmmmm,isk nanti –nanti lah cik naj…sebenarnye saya suka mengandung…..its a beautiful n unique experience , u’ll glow , hubby kasi xtra attention and xtra lenient towards housework…kekeke…..tak pe lah…nanti-nanti je .Think I have abt 12 fertile years ahead…..kalau setahun satu…aik…berapa banyak dah……hehehe

Friday, September 15, 2006

Aiesyah is currently taking an organic brown rice cereal….before that she was on nestle plain rice…I found it alittle troublesome as I had to express my milk…I don’t intend to start her on formula yet , although some people are asking me to do so…saying that breastmilk is insufficient. My sister fully breastfed her son up to 2 years, masyallah, her son is fit , healthy and intelligent….keras badan dia…he looks like those anak-anak orang putih yang kepala jendol and chubby2…hehehe….geram saya tengok, so who says breastmilk is not enough!

As long as my breastmilk is still flowing , I’ll continue.The key to breastfeeding is , the more u give ,the more milk will be produce….and some people say that we have to eat a lot to produce breastmilk...but if u look at the mums in poor country where food is scare like Somalia…they’re still able to produce enough quality milk…I remembered an article by a doctor, she said the milk produce by a cheese class mum and a tempeh class mum is the same…hehehe…but for mums who have trouble with the volume produced….try fenugreek (halba in malay)tea or spirulina, colostrum…insyaallah breastmilk banyak….furthermore as muslims, we are advised to breastfeed up to 2 years….kelebihan nye banyak.Knowledge is key,readup on breastfeeding, when we have knowlegde,we have the if those makciks2 say ur breastmilk is insufficent, ignore them...…so say YES to BREASTMILK….

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Two things i've is that my 'friend' has decided to come after 6 months...pheww, i was hoping to get a full ramadan but seems Allah knows best......oh well, at least dapat rehat wonder feeling alittle crampy.....

Another discovery is that aiesyah recognises people now....went to visit nek yang yesterday...dia nangis bila cik yah aga-aga dia...and again when nek yang held her...oh.... dear....the day before when my brother carried her she cried too sampai meleleh air mata....oh...dear....macamana nak pi umah org raya nanti, nak collect duit raya banyak2 kekeke,hai aiesyah jangan sampai ibu kena duduk luar umah org long as the stranger don't look or talk or carry her then she'll be fine....hmmmm....tak pernah lak anak-anak saya macam nie....lain anak,lain ragam nye....
Tapi orang yang dia dah biasa jumpa dia ok walaupun jumpa seminggu sekali(mcm nenek,atuk,maksu,pak ngah) cuma yang tak pernah jumpa atau jarang-jarang jumpa....i hope it'll go off...i know some kids sampai 2 thun lebih masih takut dgn orang.....
Ijah, nampak nye sama lah anak kita....

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Harsh Words

Sometimes words that comes out of our mouths are not what we intended it to be, and we end up hurting the person..sometimes we intended it to be a joke but it backfired...that's wat been happening to me for past few days..i meant it to be a joke ,but my tone and choice of words betrayed me...hmmm....kenapa eh? maybe i'm stressed(although i don't think so) or maybe my hormones imbalance...entah eh...therefore i decided to keep quiet this morning....the victim of my words knew something is not right.....but i persisted to keep mum...macam merajuk pun ade...macam feeling guilty gak...hmmmm maybe its a case of hormones imbalance.....

hopefully the day would be better

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Second day

I've just sahur...nasi,telur and lettuce...hari nie sahur seorang,my hubby makan kul 1 pagi tadi....I remember my ustazah reminded us that 4 mins before azan dah tak boleh makan...reason was actually 4 mins before azan dah masuk waktu....dah waktu haram....some people are not aware of this and some say its not true...if anyone heard of this pls comment....

my 4 loves sedang sedap tido...semalam aieysah bangun sekali je dan tido lena...past few nights, dia tido tapi mulut mengomel...bising....mungkin penat sgt atau kenyang sangat...i've noticed if i feed her cereal just once a day, she'll sleep will try again.....

najwan has been in a bad mood lately, it gets on my nerves.I'm trying to control myself, told my self over and over again...he just wants attention and kids below 10 belum cukup akal and we are not supposed to cane them...otherwise keras hati mereka....tapi i must admit sometimes i do lose my cool......hmmm....i really admire those mums yang bercakap lembut je dengan anak-anak mereka....they must be really patient....sometimes when najwan gets on my nerves...i just ignore him,focus on some thing else and not look at him...he'll cool off pray that he'll be an obidient son one day....its scary to think wat the future holds...we as parents,insan yg daif hanya mampu berusaha dan berdoa....semoga Allah memperkenankan doa2 kita...amin

oklah,the gelang2 kaki dah berbunyi...hehehe...

have a gd weekend...

Friday, September 08, 2006

A day at the beach....cantik tak the stroller seat...kinki hehehe...on the top family picture yang tak complete....
today is my first day fasting since giving birth to first i was pretty sceptical,wasn't optimistic that i could fast the whole day..reason being,aiesyah is breastfeeding.....usually after feeding her ,i would get either thirsty or hungry.But,alhamdullilah now its 3plus and i'm doing fine....ate alot of kurma and spirulina during sahur....think it helps.....alhamdullilah.So to those breastfeeding mums, jangan takut insyaallah susu cukup......

There are alot of exibitions at the spore expo tis week....abt 5 i think....semalam dah pi sana...pi Halal,macam2 makanan....went to John little sale too...its the usual stuffs...tapi beli jugak barang-barang yang tak diperlukan sangat hehehe....woman n shooping go hand in hand.....this weekend the carpark mesti fullnye...i'm planning to go again...cari makanan2 lagi and tilam too...

sesiapa yang tak tahu nak ke mana this weekend, sila lah ke Singapore expo...see u there!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

today i've decided to cleanup my (my husband's to be precise) study room..after 2 hrs of cleaning i'm feeling dizzy...hehehe....NO, i'm not pregnant..just too many things to clear up...taking a break...thats why i've decided to blog for the first time....i'll update some pics of my daug too..she's 5mths now..