Friday, September 15, 2006

Aiesyah is currently taking an organic brown rice cereal….before that she was on nestle plain rice…I found it alittle troublesome as I had to express my milk…I don’t intend to start her on formula yet , although some people are asking me to do so…saying that breastmilk is insufficient. My sister fully breastfed her son up to 2 years, masyallah, her son is fit , healthy and intelligent….keras badan dia…he looks like those anak-anak orang putih yang kepala jendol and chubby2…hehehe….geram saya tengok, so who says breastmilk is not enough!

As long as my breastmilk is still flowing , I’ll continue.The key to breastfeeding is , the more u give ,the more milk will be produce….and some people say that we have to eat a lot to produce breastmilk...but if u look at the mums in poor country where food is scare like Somalia…they’re still able to produce enough quality milk…I remembered an article by a doctor, she said the milk produce by a cheese class mum and a tempeh class mum is the same…hehehe…but for mums who have trouble with the volume produced….try fenugreek (halba in malay)tea or spirulina, colostrum…insyaallah breastmilk banyak….furthermore as muslims, we are advised to breastfeed up to 2 years….kelebihan nye banyak.Knowledge is key,readup on breastfeeding, when we have knowlegde,we have the if those makciks2 say ur breastmilk is insufficent, ignore them...…so say YES to BREASTMILK….

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